Claim Number 3200656/2015

The First Claim

In relation to the first claim,  case number 3200656/2015,  my initial is wrongly stated as “S” in the title of the Reserved Judgment dated 19 August 2016.  I have written to the Employment Tribunal and politely asked that the error be corrected and that they issue “Certificate of Correction”.  I am still awaiting the correction of my initial.

The wrong initial aside,  my full name  “Adekunle Adewale” is clearly stated at paragraph 26 in the Reserved Judgment. I did not appeal the Reserved Judgment and neither did the Respondents. 

Mr Adekunle Adewale v (1) London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, (2) Mr Maxwell Acheampong, (3) Ms Ruth Johnson and (4) Ms Sharon Harrington 3200656:2015 Reserved Judgment .pdf